
Nasdaq Stockholm Welcomes Brinova Fastigheter to the Main Market

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Nasdaq (Nasdaq: NDAQ) announces that Brinova Fastigheter AB (short name: BRIN B), a small cap company within the financial sector (sub sector: real estate), today will start trading of its shares on the main market of Nasdaq Stockholm. Brinova Fastigheter (“Brinova”) was previously listed on Nasdaq First North Premier and is the 59th company to list on Nasdaq’s Nordic markets* in 2018.

Brinova is a real estate company specialized in developing residential properties and community buildings. The company’s business concept is to offer attractive and affordable housing and premises for individuals as well as private and public sector organizations, and its current portfolio include 72 properties, 1000 residential apartments and a total, rentable area of 212,000 square meters. Brinova is headquartered in Helsingborg, Sweden and operates in the southern parts of Sweden. For more information, please visit www.brinova.se.

”We see our transfer to the regulated main market as a quality stamp, which will further add to our credibility as we continue our long term partnership with stakeholders in the social sector,“ said Per Johansson, CEO of Brinova. “A liquid share on a regulated market can also lead to additional financing alternatives, and will make us more prepared for additional acquisitions of residential properties and community buildings.”

“We are excited to welcome Brinova to the Nasdaq Stockholm main market,” said Adam Kostyál, SVP and Head of European listings at Nasdaq. “We are excited to see yet another company transfer from Nasdaq First North Premier to the main market, and we look forward to supporting Brinova with the increased investor exposure that comes with a main market listing.”

*Main markets and Nasdaq First North at Nasdaq Copenhagen, Nasdaq Helsinki, Nasdaq Iceland and Nasdaq Stockholm.

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