
[인터뷰] 프로베넨스 이벤트 서울 2018 디렉터 후이치만 "블록체인 기술은 현재 시스템을 파괴시키거나 새로운 제품을…

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▲ 프로베넨스의 Director(디렉터) 후이치만(HuiChi Man)

글로벌 블록체인 제품 개발 컨퍼런스가 서울 서초구 세빛섬 플로팅 아일랜드 컨벤션센터에서 개최될 예정이다.

Provenance Evnets(프로베넨스 이벤트이하 프로베넨스측은 오는 11 20 Provenance Summit(프로베넨스 서밋) 500 명 이상의 참가자가 모일 예정이라고 전했다.

프로베넨스는 블록체인 기술 교육에 초점을 맞추고 있는 아일랜드에 위치한 회사로 전세계적으로 블록체인 제품이 실제로 존재하는 블록체인 플랫폼들만을 밋업이나 컨퍼런스 회사에 유치하려는 회사다.

프로베넨스는 팀에게 블록체인 기술 개발주기와 분산된 제품 구축에 관해 교육하는 것을 목표로 한다.

프로베넨스는 신생 기업기업 및 정부의 팀이 팀 협업 및 제품 개발과 관련해 모범 사례와 방법론을 이해할 수 있도록 지원한다.

디자인개발관리규정 및 컴플라이언스와 같은 제품 개발주기의 관점에서 세계적인 업계 선두 기업을 함께 모으고 있는 것이다.

프로베넨스의 Director(디렉터후이치만은 프로베넨스는 블록체인 기술 교육 및 밋업 주관에만 초점을 맞추며 제품이 있는 파트너들만 상대한다이 산업에는 스캠형 프로젝트와 ICO프로젝트들이 너무 많지만 그들은 어떤 제품도 가지고 있지 않은 상태에서 많은 투자를 받는다라며 우리는 사람들이 블록체인 기술을 이해하고 제품을 만들도록 돕는 것이다그것이 우리가 정부와 협력하기를 원하는 이유다그들은 블록체인의 이점만을 보기 원하기 때문이다.라고 전했다.

블록타임스 TV는 후이치만 디렉터와 인터뷰를 진행했다. 16살 때부터 자신의 회사를 운영해 온 경험을 가지고 있는 후이치만의 블록체인 스토리를 들어보자.

다음은 인터뷰 전문이다.

1. Purpose to do blockchain works 

From going to many crypto and blockchain related events. 

There is a lack of quality from event organisers and blockchain/crypto companies. 

Events happen ‘one time’ and the organisers accept speakers based on sponsorship. 

Some companies do not even have a product so how can they talk about blockchain?

I believe that blockchain technology has a bigger capability so we must learn from people who have built their product using blockchain. 

That’s why I started Provenance Events, I wanted to educate startups, enterprises and governments on the true meaning behind this technology. 

I partner with companies that only have a product so that my attendees will learn the processes of the product development cycle with blockchain technology. 

2. Previous job

I had my own startup company at the age of 16.

I was the youngest person in Ireland to be accepted on the National accelerator programme “Enterprise Ireland”. 

I worked on my startup idea for 2 years. 

I failed. 

I moved to a new job as producer for a big tech conference. 

Then I moved onto doing events for blockchain company and after a few months, I decided to start my own blockchain events company to educate teams from startups and enterprises. 

3. Most important thing regarding blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

Even though blockchain has many capabilities. 

We need to remember that the word entrepreneur or business has not changed. 

Having a company means offering a service or a product. 

Blockchain technology can disrupt current systems or innovate new products - this means building the product first. 

4. Personal opinion about Provenance Events

Provenance Events will help startups, enterprises and governments learn about blockchain technology. 

Partnering with companies that have a product only is our unique value proposition we offer to our attendees. 

Learn from people who have built using blockchain not people who have paid to be on stage. 

Thomas Edison once said ““vision without execution is hallucination.” This is what blockchain companies are becoming - a whitepaper means nothing if they don’t have a product. 

5. How do you think a korean market

The Korean market has huge potential for growth. 

One of the biggest factors to consider is adopting technology with a mass effect. 

To do this, we need people with power and influence involved. 

An example is the Korean Government especially Seoul City are open to innovation of technology. 

Mr. Park recently announced $100M fund to build a blockchain smart city - this is huge opportunity for startups and entrepreneurs.

6. Blockchain's promising points

Blockchain technology is not only used for funding startups.

Blockchain technology has the capability to solve problems related to centralised systems, organisations, businesses, governmental related issues. This is the digital revolution.

7. Ireland's situation regarding blockchain

The national banks have closed people’s bank account when trading cryptocurrency. 

The government are not that involved with blockchain and cryptocurrency. 

However, companies like Consensys have opened a Dublin office and have bought the Minister of Finance for the opening so the government are aware of the blockchain industry. 

As what every

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